Navigating Without Cell Service

Although it might seem crazy in this day and age, I’ve traveled abroad numerous times without access to a data plan. To some, I’m sure that sounds like an impossible feat, but it’s actually simpler than you’d think navigating the ins and outs of international travel without your service provider keeping you tethered to the real world. Let me show you how.

Google Maps & HERE WeGO

Accessing the “Offline areas” feature in Google Maps

Accessing the “Offline areas” feature in Google Maps

I only ever use Google Maps when I travel and doing so without service is incredibly easy. There is a feature in the app that allows you to download maps for offline use so that you can traverse an area of your choosing, without the hassle of getting lost. However, you won’t have the capacity to search for actual directions without service. By that, I mean that you can’t look up directions between two locations and have the app chart out a predetermined course for you. Instead, you can see your personal geotag on the map and use that to navigate to your destinations.

However, if you really want to have those detailed directions, there is an app that allows you to download maps just like you would with Google Maps but then also offers specific instructions on how to get from Point A to Point B, whether you’re in a car, bus, or on foot. The app is called HERE WeGo and can be found on both Google Play and iTunes. The app allows you to download entire states - or even countries - provided you have available space on your phone.

Whether you’re using Google Maps or HERE WeGo, you can search locations within your downloaded area and get results. For instance, if I’ve downloaded New York City as an offline map and want to get to the Empire State Building from the Upper East Side, all I’d have to do is type “Empire State Building” into the app’s search bar and select from the list of results. From there, you can chart a course to your destination, whether it’s an unofficial walking path of your own creation using Google Maps or an endorsed route from HERE WeGo.

For full directions on how to download a map offline using Google Maps and HERE WeGo, take a look at the videos below.

Downloading a map offline on Google Maps

Downloading a map offline on HERE WeGo

Tagging a place in Google Maps

If there are specific places you want to go, you can also tag them on your offline map so that you have a visual marker to work towards as you’re watching your geotag wind through the streets. Before I go anywhere, I’ll research local landmarks and attractions, marking a few places that I really want to see so that, when I get to my destination, I have a good base of spots to visit. Granted, most of my “attractions” are restaurants, but there’s nothing wrong with that! To see how you can tag locations in Google Maps, watch the video to the right.


If you’re booking train tickets online and they’re sent to you via email, it’s in your best interest to take a screenshot of those tickets before you leave wifi or move out of reception. If you don’t, you may not be able to open the email to show train conductors your pass and that would mean paying for a whole new ticket, plus a possible fee for getting caught without one in the first place.

The same goes for plane tickets. Take a screenshot of your boarding passes in case you can’t access them on your email. Although, if you’re in an airport, odds are that there’s free wifi that you can connect to.

Something else to keep in mind is that some airlines charge you for printing off boarding passes so it’s especially important to have access to your tickets on your phone so that you can avoid that extra fee for a hardcopy.

Well there you have it! All of my best tips for navigating without cell service, no matter where you are in the world. It probably goes without saying that using your phone for directions is going to drain its battery, in which case I’d also recommend investing in an external charger. If you'd like to know which external charger I use, read my article on the must-have travel items I keep in my purse. I don’t know what I’d do without my external charger; it’s saved my life on more than one occasion.

Best of luck and safe travels!